Unitas Negotiates HIGHER 
PPO Insurance Rates for Your Dental Practice!
(look at what our clients are saying...)

Dr. Ryan D, DDS

I have been amazed by what Unitas Dental has been able to accomplish for my practice. Not only have they been able to increase my revenue but they have allowed my staff to be more efficient.

Dr. Kerri T, DDS

"I feel fortunate to be using Unitas in my practice. Over the past few years, multiple insurance contracts have been negotiated in my favor. Their customer service is wonderful!"
Take This Short Quiz To Find Out How Unitas Can Improve Your PPO Fees...
Who are you?
Dental Staff
Unitas Negotiates  HIGHER PPO Insurance Rates For Your Dental Practice!
(So You Can Focus On Patient Care)

Dr. Ryan D, DDS

"I have been amazed by what Unitas has been able to accomplish for my practice. Not only have they been able to increase my revenue but they have allowed my staff to be more efficient."

Dr. Kerri T, DDS

"I feel fortunate to be using Unitas in my practice. Over the past few years, multiple insurance contracts have been negotiated in my favor. Their customer service is wonderful!"
Who We Help
Established PPO Practices
4 or More PPOs? Our PPO Management service can help your established dental practice improve your low PPO Insurance reimbursements through PPO Negotiations & Optimization.
Start-Up Practices
Buying or building a new practice? We will guide you through the PPO set-up process and complete the necessary work in order to establish your PPO participation.
Fee-For-Service Practices
Considering new or additional PPO participation? We evaluate your potential participation options so you can make informed decisions when considering PPO participation.
Need Credentialing Help?
Whether you are taking over another practice soon, adding new plans, or hiring an associate, outsourcing your credentialing to Unitas can be a huge time saver.
 Â© Unitas PPO Solutions    |  4140 E. Baseline Rd #101 Mesa, AZ 85206    |    Call: 480-525-8221
 Â© Unitas PPO Solutions    
4140 E. Baseline Rd #101 
Mesa, AZ 85206 
Call: 480-525-8221